Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Customizing (3rd Party Process)

Customize the third party sales in summary: 1. Create Vendor XK01 2. Create Material – Material Type as "Trading Goods". Item category group as "BANS". 3. Assign Item Category TAS to Order type that you are going to use. 4. A sale order is created and when saved a PR is generated at the background 5. With reference to SO a PO is created (ME21N). The company raises PO to the vendor. 6. Vendor delivers the goods and raises bill to company. MM receives the invoice MIRO 7. Goods receipt MIGO 8. Goods issue 9. The item cat TAS or Schedule line cat CS is not relevant for delivery which is evident from the config and, therefore, there is no delivery process attached in the whole process of Third party sales. 10. Billing SD - 3rd party sales order Create Sales Order VA01 Order Type Sales org, distr chnl, div Enter Sold to PO # Material Quantity Enter Save SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created with a third party sales order VA01 Order Number Goto Item Overview Item ->Schedule Item SD - 3rd party sales order View the PR that is created ME52N Key in the PR number Save SD - 3rd party sales order Assign the PR to the vendor and create PO ME57 Key in the PR number Toggle the "Assigned Purchase Requisition" Execute Check the box next to the material Assign Automatically button Click on "Assignments" button Click on "Process assignment" The "Process Assignment Create PO" box , enter Drag the PR and drop in the shopping basket Save SD - 3rd party sales order Receive Goods MIGO_GR PO Number DN Number Batch tab , click on classification Serial Numbers tab Date of Production Flag Item OK Check, just in case Post Save SD - 3rd party sales order Create Invoice MIRO Invoice Date Look for the PO , state the vendor and the Material Check the box Clilck on "Copy" Purchase Order Number (bottom half of the screen) Amount State the baseline date Simulate & Post Invoice Number *Invoice blocked due to date variance SD - 3rd party sales order Create a delivery order VL01N In the order screen , go to the menu Sales Document , select "Deliver" Go to "picking" tab State the qty and save SD - 3rd party sales order Create a billing document VF01 Ensure that the delivery document is correct in the Enter Go to edit -> Log Save

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