Saturday, October 4, 2008

Repaire process

Last Update:
02/03/05 3:41 PM

VCCT Complete process

Publisher Information


Ed-VCCT Complete process
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Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

End Link Table

Job Role

Insert Job Role rows as necessary.

Change History
Update the following table as necessary when this document is changed.

Change Description

VCCT Complete process


Business Sub-Process Variant Description (overview only - refer to BPD)

Input – From or Source
Field Value / Comments

Output - Results

Tips and Tricks/Prerequisites/Prior Processes (where applicable)

· Xxxx

Access Transaction:

Via Menu Path

Via Transaction Code



User Data
Job Role

1. Change command line to [iw51].

SAP Easy Access

2. Press [Enter].

Create Service Notification: Initial Screen

3. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the Notification.
Enter value in Notification.
Example: Testing Process
Serial Number
Description of the Serial Number.
Enter value in Serial Number.
Example: ed-01
Material number of the real unit being received (Version number with the dash)
Enter value in Material
Example: 286351-2
Sold-to party
Description of the Sold-to party.
Enter value in Sold-to party.
Example: 181

4. Press [Enter].

Create Service Notification: ALS R&O

5. Select reference contract/line item to which you want to associate this repair and click on green check mark

Display Serviceable Item Contract: List of Contracts

6. Click on “Create Repair Sales Or” on the top right side (Action Box)

After clicking this, you should get a message on the button, stating that the order will be created once you save this notification.

Sometimes you may receive a message that the credit check was performed for the customer. if it pass credit management, no action is needed, but if it fails, then you will have to run transaction VKM3 to release the credit management block form the order, before you could proceed.

7. Click Save . And make a note of the repair order # created on the bottom of the page

Create Service Notification: ALS R&O

8. Change command line to [/nvl01n]. to process the goods receipt of the unit

9. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Shipping point
Description of the Shipping point.
Enter value in Shipping point. Corresponding to the site on which you want to process this repair
Example: 1079
Number identifying the order
Enter value in Order. The number you received on the bottom of the notification (Step 8)
Example: 6072
Delivery Type
Description of the Delivery Type.
Enter value in Delivery Type., “LR” is the return delivery type
Example: LR

10. Press [Enter].

Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

11. Click Item Overview .

12. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the SLoc.
Enter value in Column SLoc. As we should receive the “Repairable” unit on storage location 100D
Example: 100D

13. Press [Enter].

14. Click Post goods receipt Button . To process the material movement

Returns Delivery Create: Overview

15. Change command line to [/nva02]. To go in change mode of the Repair Order

Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

16. Press [Enter].

Change Sales Order: Initial Screen

17. Click Button . Next to the first line item (to select the line record)

18. Click Configuration Button or select from the menu Extras >> Configuration

Change AM Repair 6072: Overview


19. Set your cursor on the “Repair Codes…” open area and Click Matchcode Button .

Change AM Repair 6072: Characteristic Value Assignment

20. Click OVMAJ . Or any other repair type that applies to the scenario you want to create

21. Click Button .

Repair Codes for Wheels

22. Click Back F3 .

Change AM Repair 6072: Characteristic Value Assignment

23. Click Button . Next to the first line item (to select the line record)

24. Click Repairs Button .

Change AM Repair 6072: Overview

25. Click Back F3 .

Change AM Repair 6072: Item Data

26. Click Yes Button . On the pop-up screen

Copy item proposal

Note: This will create the ZM03 Service (Work) Order.

27. Click Save .

Change AM Repair 6072: Overview

28. Change command line to [/niw32]. To go in change mode of the service (work) order (ZM03)

Change Sales Order: Initial Screen

29. Press [Enter].as the service order number should be in memory

In case you do not know the ZM03 #, just go to transaction VA03 to display the repair order, select the first line item, click on "Repair" button and then click on the "SM Order" button on the bottom, this will take you to the ZM03 order and on the top left you will see the number.

Change Order: Initial Screen

30. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the AcctIndic.
Enter value in AcctIndic.
Example: z2

On a ZM03 service order ALWAYS enter "Z2" in the accounting indicator field and this order is used only for missing parts and should always have “Z2” for invoicing.

31. Select Order >> Create (special) >> Sub-order. (To create the ZM01)

Change Service (Direct from Customer) 5000003132: Central Header

32. Click Yes Button .

Create sub-order

33. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Order Type
Description of the Order Type.
Enter value in Order Type.
Example: zm01

Note: The ZM03 order number should be defaulted on the "Superior Order" field, but if not, please enter it.

34. Press [Enter].

Create Sub-order: Initial Screen

35. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Order Description
Text identifying the order description
Enter value in Order.
Example: testing process
Sold-to party
Customer number.
Enter value in Sold-to party.
Example: 181
Service Product number
Enter SRV material number
Example: SRV286351
Description of the Quantity.
Enter value in Quantity.
Example: 1
Description of the AcctIndic.
Enter value in AcctIndic.
Example: Z3

While we wait for an enhancement, manually set Accounting indicator field should be "Z2" ONLY for a T&M order, otherwise should be "Z3".

36. Click Enter . This will take you automatically to the configuration screen to define what repair code type you want to perform (Yes, you already did that on the sales order, but until the enhancement is ready, we need to do it twice)

Create Service (Internal) : Central Header

37. Click ”Repair Code…” Matchcode Button .

Create Service (Internal) : Characteristic Value Assignment

38. Click OVMAJ . This needs to match what you entered on the sales order (Until the enhancement is ready) so operations and pricing match each other)

39. Click Button .

Repair Codes for Wheels

40. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Material In/Out
Material In number
Enter the dash number on the material in and on the material out characteristics.
Example: 286351-2

41. Click Matchcode Button .

Create Service (Internal) : Characteristic Value Assignment

42. Click ZM01 . (For now until a dependency is set in place that will do this automatically

43. Click Button .

SM Order Type

44. Press [Enter].

45. Click Back F3 .

Create Service (Internal) : Characteristic Value Assignment

46. Click Button . To “Release” the work order for processing

Create Service (Internal) : Central Header

47. Click Yes Button .

Release order

48. Click Save .

Create Service (Internal) : Central Header

49. Change command line to [/nIW41]. To go confirm the work order operation & piece part consumption

Create Sub-order: Initial Screen

50. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the Operation.
Enter value in Operation. For testing purpose enter operation twenty
Example: 0020
Service (Work) Order number
Enter the service order that you want to confirm
Example: 5000003133

51. Press [Enter].

Create PM Order Confirmation: Initial Screen

52. Click Goods movements Button . To enter the piece parts to consume

Note: Once the dependencies and Bills of Material (BOM) are working correctly, the standard parts needed for the repair will already exist here, but for now, we have to enter the material, location and quantity to be able to test our scenario.

Create PM Order Confirmation: Actual data

Confirmation of maintenance order Create : Goods movements

53. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Code identifying a product or component
Enter value in Material. For the piece part component that you want to consume on the repair operation confirmation
Example: 2611972
Description of the Quantity.
Enter value in Column Quantity.
Example: 23
Plant Number
Enter value in Plant field
Example: 1079
Storage Location
Storage Location
Enter value in SLoc.
Example: 100A
Valuation Type
Description of the Valuation Type
Enter value in Column Valuation Type
Example: NEW
54. Press [Enter].

55. Click Save .

Confirmation of maintenance order Create : Goods movements

Note: Now to confirm any missing parts, enter the ZM03 order number and operation 0020 (Missing parts operation).

56. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Number identifying the order
Enter value in Order.
Example: 5000003132
Description of the Operation.
Enter value in Operation.
Example: 0020

57. Press [Enter].

Create PM Order Confirmation: Initial Screen

58. Click Goods movements Button .

Create PM Order Confirmation: Actual data

59. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Code identifying a product or component
Enter value in Material.
Example: 2612339
Description of the Quantity.
Enter value in Column Quantity.
Example: 9
Plant Number
Enter value in Plant.
Example: 1079
Storage Location
Enter value in SLoc.
Example: 100a
Valuation Type
Description of the Valuation Type
Enter value in Column Valuation Type
Example: NEW
60. Click Save .

Confirmation of maintenance order Create : Goods movements

61. Change command line to [/nIW32]. To change the service order (TECO)

Create PM Order Confirmation: Initial Screen

62. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Number identifying the order
Enter value in Order.
Example: 5000003133

Note: You first need to TECO the ZM01 and then you could TECO the ZM03.

63. Press [Enter].

Change Order: Initial Screen

64. Click Button .

Change Service (Internal) 5000003133: Central Header

65. Click Button .


66. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Number identifying the order
Enter value in Order.
Example: 5000003132

Note: Here is where you enter the ZM03 number.

67. Press [Enter].

Change Order: Initial Screen

68. Click Button .

Change Service (Direct from Customer) 5000003132: Central Header

69. Click Continue Button .

Repair confirmation to sales order

70. Click Button .


71. Change command line to [/nVL01N]. To create the delivery out by entering the shipping point (Plant) and the sales order number

Change Order: Initial Screen

72. Press [Enter].

Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

73. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the SLoc.
Enter value in Column SLoc.
Example: 100D
Pick quantity
Description of the Pick quantity.
Enter value in Column Pick quantity.
Example: 1
Val. Type
Description of the Val. Type.
Enter value in Column Val. Type.
Example: repairable

Note: If you do not see a "Pick Quantity" column, make sure you click on the "Picking" tab.

74. Press [Enter].

75. Click 10 Button . To select the line item record

76. Select Extras >> Serial Numbers.

Outbound Delivery Create: Overview

77. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Serial Number
Serial Number
Enter Serial Number that you are shipping out
Example: ed-01

Maintain Serial Numbers

78. Click Button .

Maintain Serial Numbers

79. Click Button .

Outbound Delivery Create: Overview

80. Click Shipment .

Outbound Delivery Create: Header Details

81. Click Route Button . And select route “000100”

Outbound Delivery Create: Header Details

Route (1) 21 Entries Found

82. Click Save .

Outbound Delivery Create: Header Details

83. Change command line to [/nVT01n]. To Create the shipment document that will hold this delivery

Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference

84. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the TransportPlanningPt.
Enter value in TransportPlanningPt. This will be the same as the plant number from where we are shipping
Example: 1079

85. Select Shipment type Z001

86. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Shipment type
Description of the Shipment type.
Enter value in Shipment type.
Example: Z001 HON Shipment

87. Click Deliveries Button .

Create Shipment: Initial Screen

88. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Shipping Point/Receiving Pt
Description of the Shipping Point/Receiving Pt.
Enter value in Shipping Point/Receiving Pt.
Example: 1079
Ship-To Party
Ship-To Party customer number.
Enter Ship-To Customer number.
Example: 181

89. Click Button . And you should see the delivery that you just created, getting assigned to the Shipment

Note: If you see more than one delivery assigned, you could drag them down to the "Deliveries not assigned area".

Select outbound deliveries

90. Click Deliveries Button .

HON Shipment $0001 Create: Shipments and Deliveries

91. Update the following fields: (R – Required, O – Optional, C – Combined, D – Display, E – Empty)

Field Name
Description of the ForwardingAgent.
Enter value in FwdAgent.
Example: 100141

92. Press [Enter].

93. Click Planning .

94. Click Check-in .

95. Click Loading start .

96. Click Loading end Button .

97. Click Shpmt completion Button .

98. Click Shipment start Button .

99. Click Shipment end .

100. Click Save .

HON Shipment $0001 Create: Overview

101. Change command line to [/nDP91]. To go into Resource Related Screen to pick the components confirmed against this repair and pull them into the sales order for pricing

Create Shipment: Initial Screen

102. Enter the Sales Order number and Click Sales price Button . To go into the Pricing display mode

If you do not want to check pricing right now (You could check this on the sales order later), just click on the "Billing Request" button.

Resource-Related Billing Request: Initial Screen

103. If you open the hierarchy (Clicking on the triangle) you will display the items and if you double click on a specific part, it will display the pricing for that particular part

Note: you could also select from the menu "Extras >> Simulate" if you want to simulate the sales order before saving.

Billing request for resource-related billing document : Sales p

104. Click Billing request Button .

105. Click Yes Button .

Create billing request

Note: By creating the billing request, you will see new lower level items created on the sales order as you could see items 1040 & 1050 on the order image below.

106. Click Button . To save the sales order

Change AM Repair 6072: Overview

107. Change command line to [/nVA02]. To go display, review or change the sales order prices

SAP Easy Access

108. Press [Enter].

Change Sales Order: Initial Screen

109. Select line item you want to change and select menu path Goto. >> Item >> Conditions “ (Or “Money” Button)

Change AM Repair 6072: Overview

Note: You will see on the "Net Value" column the price of the items (Scroll to the right if you do not see the net value column on your default layout). As you could see on this particular example, the line item that contains the part consumed on the ZM01 (Acc. Indicator “Z3”) has price $0.00 as this is a CPAL contract and parts used should be free (Unless a structural or any other kind of agreement of course)

Change AM Repair 6072: Item Data

Note: It will display all the pricing conditions that you want to check and you could do changes here if you want to.

110. Click Button “Save” .

Change AM Repair 6072: Item Data

111. Change command line to [/nVF01]. To create the Billing document

Change Sales Order: Initial Screen

112. Select Z8 in list box. Only If is a CPAL and to process the deferred revenue part
otherwise, go to step 116

Create Billing Document

Create Billing Document

113. Press [Enter].

Create Billing Document

114. Click Button . If you want, to verify the amount that will be deferred for this repair

R&O CPAL not AR Post (Z8) Create: Overview of Billing Items

115. Click Button . Once you are comfortable with the invoice information

R&O CPAL not AR Post (Z8) Create: Item Data

116. Enter sales order number and Press [Enter].

Create Billing Document

117. Click Button . Once user feels comfortable with Invoice information

HW Invoice Repair (ZFR) Create: Overview of Billing Items

Note: On this example, you could see that only the part we confirmed as a missing part, has a $ value.

118. Change command line to [/nVA01]. To create the CPAL Landings invoice

SAP Easy Access

119. Select Sales Org 1000 , Dist Channel “01”, Division “01” and Sales Office “1023”.

Create Sales Order: Initial Screen

120. Click Create with Reference Button .

Create Sales Order: Initial Screen

121. Click Contract . And enter reference contract #

Create with Reference

122. Click Selection list Button .

Create with Reference/Release from Contract

123. Click Button . To de-select all materials from the contract

124. Click Button . To select the fleet that you want to invoice landing for

125. Enter Quantity you want to Invoice for

126. Press [Enter]. If you receive any warnings
127. Click Copy Button .

Service Contract 440000087: Selection List for Reference Document

128. Enter the plant for each line item and Select line item and Click Button . If you want to display landings price for a particular fleet

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

129. Click Button . Once user feels comfortable with the price

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

If you receive a "Document incomplete" message it is because you did not assigned a plant to the Landing items, you could avoid this by entering the plant at the document header screen.
Next steps are only needed if you get the Incomplete document message, otherwise go to step 136
130. Click Edit Button .

Save Incomplete Document

131. Double-Click on one of the records for SAP to take you to the missing information field

Create Debit Memo Request: Incompletion Log

132. Enter the plant number (e.g. 1079 )

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

133. Click Button . To go to the next missing field

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

Create Debit Memo Request: Incompletion Log

134. Once information is complete Click Button .

Create Debit Memo Request: Item Data

135. Notice on the bottom the landings invoice request document # (This is not the invoice, is just the request) .

136. Change command line to [vf01]. To create the Landings billing document with reference to this request

137. Press [Enter].

Create Billing Document

138. Click Button . Once you are comfortable with the information

HW Debit Memo (ZL2) Create: Overview of Billing Items

Saturday, July 19, 2008

ABAP Advance

ALE/ IDOC,295197,sid63_tax296858_idx0_off50,00.html IDOC/ XML

here is the step-by-step procedures for the ale and idocs are well and excellant ..along with the screen shots..
Also Some useful links for EDi & Idocs difference-between-edi-and-idoc.htm en/35/26b592afab52b9e10000009b38f974/ en/35/26b594afab52b9e10000009b38f974/content.htm

good luck

ABAP AdvanceTutorial Link

Friday, May 9, 2008

Return Process

Hi, Please follow the following:Data Flow :Order - Dely - Billing - Return Order (w.r.t. order or billing) - Goods receipt - Billing (W.r.t. to return order)Transaction code is VA01. Sales Order type is RE. The steps are as follows : 1. Create a return request. (Using Sales Order in SD) 2. Create outbound delivery according to return request. 3. If the setting is correct in the outbound delivery screen SAP will automatically switch post goods issue button into post goods receipt. The setting is in sales order item category and delivery type. 4. In the standard system the movement type used is 651. (You can use movement type 655 also)5. After post goods issues receipt is done using outbound delivery, the quantity is placed in blocked stock without value updating. 6. You will then decide if the return quantity are indeed damaged stock or not. 7. Transfer Posting from block stock to unrestricted stock (mvt type 453), this will have accounting effect (Debit Inventory, Credit COGS) 8. Goods Issue to scrap account how to create new titles which can be used in creating the "address" view on the Vendor master.{T-Code: XK01} In config go to Basis Components --> basis services --> Address Management --> Maintain title texts

Scheduling Agreement

A customer scheduling agreement is an outline agreement with the customer containing delivery quantities and dates. These are then entered as schedule lines in a delivery schedule. You can either create schedule lines when you create the scheduling agreement or you can create them later.You fulfill a scheduling agreement by creating the deliveries in the schedule as they become due. You process deliveries for a scheduling agreement in exactly the same way as you process a normal delivery. After you have carried out the delivery, the system updates the Delivered quantity field in the scheduling agreement item with the delivery quantity.The scheduling agreement is used as a basis for delivering a material. The customer sends in scheduling agreement releases, referred to as delivery schedules, at regular intervals to release a quantity of the material.Document TypesTo configure document types for scheduling agreements, choose Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Header -> Define sales document types in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.The R/3 System contains the following document types for component suppliers:LZ - Scheduling agreement with delivery schedules (no external agents)LZM - Scheduling agreement with delivery orders LK - Scheduling agreement with delivery schedules (external agents)ED - Delivery by external agent (consignment issue)EDKO - External agent correctionRZ - Scheduling agreement returns (no external agents)KAZU - Consignment pick-up for external agentsKRZU - Consignment returns for external agentsItem CategoriesTo configure item categories for scheduling agreements, choose Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define item categories in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.The system determines the following item categories for the related document types indocuments containing materials with item category group NORM:Item category LZN for scheduling agreement type LZItem category LZMA for scheduling agreement type LZMItem category LKN for scheduling agreement type LKItem category KEN for document type EDItem category EDK for positive corrections (or the manual alternative EDK1 for negative corrections) for document type EDKOItem category REN for document type RZItem category KAN for document type KAZUItem category KRN for document type KRZUSchedule Line CategoriesTo configure schedule line categories for scheduling agreements, choose Sales -> Sales Documents -> Schedule lines -> Define or Assign schedule line categories in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.The R/3 System contains the following schedule line categories for component suppliers:L1, BN, L2, and CN for item category LZNE4, E0, E5, and BN for item category LKNL2 for item category LZMA (standard for delivery order processing)Schedule Line TypesTo configure schedule line types for scheduling agreements, choose Sales -> Sales Documents -> Scheduling Agreements with Delivery Schedules -> Define schedule line types in Customizing for Sales and Distribution.Creating Scheduling AgreementsTo create a scheduling agreement with delivery schedules:1. In the Sales menu http://Ext. choose Scheduling agreement ->Create.2. Enter scheduling agreement type LK (standard) or LZ (external agents) and the relevantorganizational data.3. Choose ENTER.4. Enter the following data:Sold-to or ship-to party numberPurchase order or closing numberMaterial or customer material numberYou can use the Description field to identify the scheduling agreement. For example,you could enter the model year for a particular production series.The system allows up to 35 digits for a customer material number.Rounding quantity UsageChoose Goto -> Header -> Sales to enter the usage at header level, or Goto -> Item-> Sales A to enter it at item level. The system proposes usage S, for series, as default in both cases.Planning indicator Choose Goto -> Header ->Sales.Target quantityMark an item and choose Goto -> Item -> Sales APartnersFor scheduling agreements with external agents , choose Goto -> Header->Partners to enter the external agent as forwarding agent and special stock partneron the partner function screen.5. Create a delivery schedule Mark an item in the scheduling agreement and choose Goto -> Item -> . Enter:A delivery schedule number and dateThe cumulative quantity received by the customerThe last delivery confirmed by the customerA schedule line with date, time, and quantityTo enter additional data in the delivery schedule, choose DlvSch.Hdr (delivery schedule header).configuration:img->SD->Sales->sales document->scheduling agreements with delivery schedules->step1: define schedule line typesschedule line types are not schedule line categories. Schedule line types are used for information purpose only.stds are 1. fixed date 2. backlog 3. immediate requirement 4. estimatestep2: maintain planning delivery sched. instruct/splitting rulesThe planning delivery schedule is an internal delivery schedule used to plan requirement s more efficiently. It is sub divided into 3 parts2.1 delivery schedule splitting rules2.2 dly schedule instrusctions2.3 assign dly schedule splitting rulesstep3: define sales documents typestep4 : define item categoriesstep5: define schedule line categoriesstep6: maintain copy controlPROCESSstep1: create scheduling agreementVA31enter SP,SH valid from, valid to,goto ITEM OVERVIEW tabenter material, rouding qtyselect ITEM click on FORECAST DLSCHenter different dly dates and qtiessave it.step2: create sales order with reference to abovestep3: create deliverystep4: create billing

Thursday, May 8, 2008

what are the prerequisites to create collective documents??

1-collective outbound delivery-Delivery date shipping point ship to partyincoterms should be same2-Collective transfer orderWarehouse number (Group the deliveries )- use this delivery group while creation TO3-collective shipping-Transportation planning point,-route-incoterms4-collective billing-Bill to party-Bill to date-Payment terms-Material pricing group ( if maintained)

Availability Check // Credit management

Availability CheckHow the availability check is carried out is influenced by various factors. Among other things, these factors also determine the scope of the check. The scope of the check can be defined differently in the sales documents and in the deliveries. You can also specify whether the availability check takes replenishment lead time into account.The following elements can be included in the availability check:• Stocko safety stock o stock in transfer o quality inspection o blocked stock• Inward/Outward movement of goodso purchase orders o purchase requisitions o planned orders o production orders o reservations o dependent reservations o dependent requirements o sales requirements o delivery requirementsRequirements in sales and distribution (sales requirements and delivery requirements) result from all transactions which forward a requirement to Materials Management (MM) or to Production Planning (PP). For example, this could include sales orders or deliveries and quotations as well. Sales and distribution requirements reduce existing stock or inward movements of stock on the material availability date to ensure that other outward movement of stock elements cannot access the quantity reserved in this way.Requirements relevant for Sales and distribution are created in Sales and Distribution, whereas other elements in this list are created in Materials Management or in Production Planning.For further information on transfer of requirements, see Requirements in Sales and Distribution Processing.Defining the Elements to be Included in CheckA checking rule is assigned to each transaction. This rule in combination with the checking group controls the scope of the availability check. You can use the checking rules in Customizing for Sales to specify for the various transactions which of the elements listed above should be included in the availability check.For trading goods it does not make sense to include planned or production orders, for example, in the availability check. However, for products manufactured by your company these orders should be included in the check.For transactions such as make-to-order production, consignment or returnable packaging processing that create special stock, the availability check is performed against special stock.If it is defined by the checking rules that both sales and delivery requirements are taken into account in the availability check in sales documents but only delivery requirements are taken into account in the availability check in deliveries, there is a danger that quantities reserved in the sales documents are considered to be available by the availability check in the deliveries. This can lead to sales documents becoming backlogged.Depending upon the IMG setting system carries out availability check function based on 3 methods:A) Availability Check with ATP logic or against planning:In ATP logic systems ATP Qty while carrying out availability check function for Particular line item (ATP qty=warehouse stock +planned receipts -planned issues) Planned Receipts: EX: - purchase requisitions, purchase orders, stock in transfer stock at inspection etc. Planned Issues: - EX: - open sales order & open deliversB) Availability check against product allocation:Availability check can be carried out against product allocations in which system automatically restrict the user to confirm the quantity beyond reserved quantities per particular customer. EX:- Availability qty =100, existing orders=10,then system automatically distributes to items evenly to the sales order.C) Rule based Availability check:Rule based availability check can be carried out based on the business transaction.EX: - For normal sales order system has to carry out availability check for special sales order ex: - cash sales and rush order systems need not to be carry out availability check,In rule based availability check system in which system carried out Global availability to promise in all plants. In this check system transfers the requirements to APO system where GATP takes place and the result of the availability check transferred to R/3 system. This process takes place with the transaction code CIF(central inter face) inR/3.After carrying out availability check function system proposes(by using ATP logic) default values of ATP check result to the user in a dialog box, in which system gives the choice to the user to take the decision in contest of insufficient stock.a) One time delivery: If the user chooses one time delivery and the order Quantity is 100 units system confirms 50 units then systems automatically confirms as a zero. If the user saves the document with the zero confirm qty then system trace the sales order as aback order (V_RA), which can be confirmed later by RESCHEDULLING (V_V2).b) Complete Delivery: If order Qty=100, Availability stock = 50, system says that remaining can be given after one week. Then if the user selects this option then system push up existing confirmed qty to after one week and the total qty can be confirmed after one week only.c) Delivery Proposal:If order qty=100, system confirms 50, and remaining 50 can be confirmed after one week. If the user chooses this option then system confirms 50 Qty today allows the user to delivery 50 quantities today remaining 50 can be delivered after one week.
Availability check:Configuration setting:-Availability check with ATP logic or against planning:-Define checking group:Checking group define what kind of requirement record system use to create when sales order & deliveries are processed for this material. We can create 2 kinds of requirements recordsIndividual requirement records: that means system creates requirement record for each S&D document.Summarized requirement Records: That means system creates requirement records under certain condition in the material master record. There are 2 type of summarized requirement record:Summarized requirement records for each day.Summarized requirement records for each weekDefine checking Action;Here we define 01- daily requirement -B 02- Individual requirements -AWhere b-total record per dayA-single record per dayB) Define material Block for other users:When 2 users tries to confirm the quantities for the sales order for same material at a time system will be confused to confirm the quantities both sales orders. So has to avoid this kind of situation we can block the materials from confirming the quantities for 2 users at a check, check blockC) Define checking group default values:Checking group is going to be determined depending upon the material type & plant.-Go to new entries, specify material type, ex;-FERT& plant = checking group of availability check: 02D) Carry out for Availability check:Here we define checking rule for the Availability check & allocate them to the checking group. The checking rules specify the scope of the availability check. For a respective transaction, means which planned receipts & planned issues systems has to taken into consideration and also it determines whether system has to take RLT into consideration.Action:*Select checking group of availability check-02, checking rule=01*Go to details icon, & check which planned receipts & planned issues system has taken into consideration for availability check*save it, exit.E) Define procedure by Requirement class:Here we define requirement class whether on availability check & TOR should be carried out the setting that we carries out at requirement class level they are at global level. There settings automatically copied into define from of requirement class and vice versa.Action:*Choose requirement class: 041 & check availability check & TOR (requirement)
F) Define procedure for each schedule line category:Here we carry out fine tuning setting for availability check at schedule line category level. Here we define whether system has to carry out Availability check for particular transaction.Ex:- if we want to implement a availability check w/o TOR for a particular transaction. According to settings at requirement class level TOR & availability check function activate & those setting will be copied into the schedule time category by default, so that at schedule line category level we deactivated TORG) Determine procedure for each Delivery Item category:Here we switch on or switch off availability check functions of a delivery item category*choose item category ‘TAN’. & specify the appropriate value.H) Checking group for updating back orders:Here we assign checking group to a plant that rule specifies for individual application, according to which the availability check is carried out; I) Define Default settings:Here we define the result of the availability check.*Choose your sales Area, & check fixed dates& Qty options & specify ‘D’ or ‘E’Where: D- Dialog box in the case of shortages (one time delivery)E- Dialog box in the shortages (delivery proposal).
CREDIT MANAGEMENTIn normal business process, credit sales are most important. Each and every customer purchases the material on credit basis. When the business grants materials on the basis of the credit then there should be certain limit for the credit, otherwise business incurs loss if customer not paid back. so has to avoid this kind of situation SAP provided a tool called credit management/Risk management by which the business can monitor the credit policy of the customer. To look after the credit policy of the customer, one organizational unit can be defined and maintained in FI module and whose responsibility is to grant and to monitor credit of the customer that is called CREDIT CONTROL AREA.(1) CREDIT CONTROL AREA:It is an independent organizational unit which is responsible to grant and to monitor the credit. Credit control area can be defined for a single company code or it can be defined to number of company codes. that means one credit control area can have number of company codes.Path: img-ent.structure-definition-financial accounting-define credit control areaChoose existing one, copy, rename itCurrency: assign the currency of the credit control areaUpdate: Ex. 000012 it is the update for open orders/delivery/billing document values. it controls when the open sales orders, deliveries and billing documents are updated. the following update groups can be assigned for updating credit related statistics in S & D.1) Update group 000012: if we assign this update group for credit control area then the documents are updated like below:a) sales orders: it increases open order value from delivery relevant schedule lines.b) delivery document: it reduces open order values and increases open delivery valuec) billing documents: it reduces open delivery value and increases open billing document value.d) Financial accounting document: it reduces open billing document value and increases open items.2) Update group 000015: a) Delivery document: it increases open delivery value and in increases open billing document value.b) financial accounting document: it reduces open billing document value and increases open items.3) Update group 000018:a) Sales orders: it increases open delivery value b) Billing document: it reduces open delivery value and increases open billing document valuec) Financial accounting document: reduces open billing document value and increases open itemsIf system unable to update the document with specified update group then it will go to next possible update group.ex: if we assign update group 000012, which is in delivery document reduces open order value and increases open delivery value. If in the sales order some items are not relevant for delivery then system automatically determines update group 000018.Fiscal year variant: ex: K4Default data for automatically creating new customers:If maintain the values in any one of the fields then system automatically creates credit control area date for new customers by default.a) Risk Category: ex: 001b) Credit limit: maintain amount (specify the credit limit of the customer)c) Representative group: ex:001assign credit representative group who is responsible to monitor the credit of customer.□Check all company codes: It specify that this credit control area is eligible for all the company codes. save it.(2) Assign company code to credit control areaassign companyfinancial accountingassignmentEnt. structurePath: Img code to credit control area.choose our company code from position button and assign our credit control it(3) assign sales area to credit control areaPath: imgructure—assignment—sd—assign sales are to credit control area choose our sales area and assign credit control area(due to this assignment the credit limit will be apples for all the materials that belongs to different divisions), save it &exit.Define groups: (FI-CO settings)here we assign groups and assign this groups to customer.img—financial accounting—accounts receivables and accounts payable—credit management-credit control account define groups.Go to new entries and define credit groups and assign this group to credit control area .Define Risk Categories:(FI-CO settings)Here we define risk categories for the credit control area and assign the risk category to the customer Path: same as abovedefine risk categoriesgo to new entries and define risk categories , 001-high risk,002-medium risk,003-low riskAssign to credit control areasDefine credit representative groups:It is a user group for particular credit control area and we assign each customer to a customer group.Path: same as aboveGo to new entries, define credit representative group and assign it to credit control area ,save it & exit.Define Credit Representatives:Here we allocate credit representatives to credit representative group for credit control, each credit representative group is responsible for certain number of customersWe define one partner function for each credit representative group.ex: partner function KB , Partner type PEpath: same as CCA partner function partner counter co. code personnel no. nameID.no001 1000 kb checkCredit ManagementTypes of credit checkThe following types of credit checks can be carried out:Static credit limit checkCredit allocation depends on the total value of open orders, deliveries, billing documents and open items.Dynamic credit limit checkThe dynamic check includes both a static part which checks all open items, deliveries and billing documents and a dynamic part which checks all outstanding order values, that is, all orders not yet delivered or partially delivered. The value resulting from the checks is accumulated up to the shipping date in the information structure "S066" in freely definable time units or periods (day, week, month). This information structure is entered in Logistics Controlling and described in the section "Carry out default settings for credit management" under Basic functions.To define the credit check, you specify a certain number of relevant periods from which a date in the future can be calculated (for example, 10 days or 2 months depending on the selected period). This ensures that sales orders which lie further in the future are not used to determine the credit exposure.The total of the static and dynamic part of the check must not exceed the granted credit limit.Credit check on the basis of the maximum document valueThe sales order value or the value of goods to be delivered must not exceed a certain value defined for the credit check. The value is stored in the currency of the credit control area. In particular, this check is useful if the credit limit of new customers has not yet been specified. This check can be accessed explicitly by a risk class reserved for new customers.Credit check when changing critical fieldsThe credit check is started when changes are made to credit-relevant document fields so that they differ from the default values proposed from the customer master record (terms of payment, value days and fixed value date).Credit check at the time of the next internal checkThe credit check is started automatically on a certain date. All sales orders entered up to this time are regarded as not critical.Credit check on the basis of overdue open itemsThe ratio between open items, which are overdue by more than a certain number of days, and the customer balance must not exceed a certain percentage.Credit check on the basis of the oldest open itemsThe oldest open item may only be a certain number of days overdue.Credit check against maximum allowed dunning levelsThe dunning level of the customer may only assume a certain maximum value.Customer-specific credit checksIf you require further checks to those defined in the standard system, you can define them in the corresponding user exits (LVKMPTZZ and LVKMPFZ1).RequirementsIn the No Check field, you can enter the number of a requirement with which you can control when credit checks are not carried out. You can deactivate some or all checks. This allows fine tuning on an individual basis for defining credit-relevant transactions and when credit checks do not need to be carried out.You can also reset the credit document status. Requirements are stored as routines. For further information on routines, see the IMG of SD under Routines. The two following example routines are supplied in the standard system. You can display and edit them using transaction VOFM:1 Order2 DeliveryYou can copy and change these routines according to your own requirements. The routines contain different example scenarios in which credit checks would not be carried out.
ransaction OB38Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.Company code:Credit control area:2. Transaction OVFLCheck which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.Sales area:Credit control area:3. Transaction XD02 or VD02Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.Payer:Credit control area:4. Transaction SE37Is user exit EXIT_SAPFV45K_001 being used?5. Transaction OBZKFor the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.Company code:Credit control areas allowed:6. Settings for the credit checks7. Transaction OVAKWhich settings do exist for the sales document type used?Sales document:Check credit:Credit group:8. Transaction OVADWhich settings do exist for the delivery type used?Delivery type:Credit group for delivery:Credit group for goods issue:9. Transaction OB01Credit management/Change risk categoryDefinition of the risk category for each credit control area. You canuse Transaction FD32 to assign this risk category to a credit account.10. Transaction OVA8Here, the individual credit checks for key fieldscredit control arearisk categorycredit groupare set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check status must be set (field "Status/block").11. Transaction FD32Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.Credit account:Credit limit:Risk category:Currency:12. Settings for updating the credit valuesUpdate of the credit values is required for the limit check (static or dynamic credit limit check).13. You want the item to be relevant for billing. If an item is notrelevant for billing or for pro forma billing, no update occurs.14. Transaction OVA7Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.Item type:Active receivable:15. Transaction V/08, PricingIn the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control"). Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for update and credit check.You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".Pricing procedure:Line with subtotal = 'A':
16. Transaction OB45Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with you. Credit control area:Update:17. Transaction OMO1Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066? In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update. All other settings will lead to errors.
MAINTAIN MASTER DATA (FD32)SPATH: Logistics & FD32 Credit management Master data D Change.While defining credit control area the FI/CO consultants they maintain this values in the field like credit group, credit limit & checking group, risk category.System automatically creates credit master for new customers. In credit master we maintain data as well as system also updates certain data.specify customer number, credit control area,check overview, check address, check control data, check status, check payments.Overview: System gives the overview of the customers credit history .Ex: what is the credit limit, credit exposure dunning levels etcAddress: System gets the address from the customer masterControl data:
specify the total limit(total credit limit)
specify the individual limit at the company code level Currency: INRStatus : total company cod In this screen system shows the data like credit limit and how much credit limit used what is the receivables value, sales value, customer risk category and customer credit group.Payment history:In this screen system shows the payment history of the customer-payer if he paid any amount. system updates this screen with payment details due to the indicator that we check in cocode data section of customer master in payment transaction tab ‘check payment history’, save it.AUTOMATIC CREDITY CONTROL:(OVA8)basicsd Path: img credit management.credit management/risk managementfunctionsDefine automatic credit control:
Go to new entries,
specify credit control area, risk category and credit group Document controlling (first section)--No credit check: we can specify the routine for credit control area Ex: when system should not carry out credit check for sales document which doesn’t contain line itemscheck item check: this control specifies from where system has to carry out credit check in document. ex: as soon as the user enter the customer number in the sales order or enter the material numberReleased documents are still unchecked:Deviation in percentage: It specify the deviation factor for documents that have already been approved for the credit. ex: if u specify deviation factor 10% & order for 10 boxes & the price Rs. 100/- and the credit approved for the Rs. 1000/-, then customer wants additional boxes te deviation factor exceeds 10%, then system automatically carries out credit check again.Number of days: specify the number of days after which a changed document must be rechecked for the period. It is used for credit document that have already been released by credit representative but if they have subsequently changed then system doesn’t carry out another credit check, ifa) the value of the changed order is not greater than the value already approved for the credit .b) the current date is not greater than the original release date plus number of days that we specified here.Credit limit seasonal factor(percentage):specify a percentage tolerance for this limit upto which the customers credit limit may be temporarily extended or reduced ex: if us enter 5% her and if u select minus fixed then if the customer credit limit is 10,000 and it is extended by further 500/-.From & To: specify the dates by which the plants have to confirm the quantities. It is used for promotions.check in financial accounting:check-payer: It indicates the credit checks against open items, oldest open item and dunning level are carried out using the open items and the dunning level of only with current payer. system doesn’t take other payers who are assigned to this credit area.Permitted days and permitted hours: It specifies the time period for accounts receivables summery in days & hours. System uses this value to verify whether the data in the accounts receivables summary exceed the period that we set in days & hours.CHECKS (NEXT SECTION)reaction status/block  STASTIC    OPEN ORDER  OPEN DELIVERY DYNAMIC   HORIZON   DOCUMENT VALUE   MAX.DOC. VAL. 500.000.00 CREDIT FIELDS    NEXTREVENEWDATA  NUMBER OF DAYS  OPEN ITEM   MAX.OPEN ITEM%  OLDEST OPEN ITEM   DAYS OLDEST ITEM  HIGH DUNN. LEVEL   HIGH DUNNING.L  USER 1   USER 2   USER 3  
STASTIC:-System takes open sales document, delivery, billing document, open items into consideration to carry at credit check. System gets the credit exposure with the total value document and customers credits unit. If the credit limited exceeded this system reacts according to value that we get in reaction fields
DYNAMIC:-In dynamic credit check system gets the credit exposure the static part. But the difference between static &dynamic is, dynamic check contains horizon period ex 2 month. To evaluation the credit check system takes for the open items, open orders, open delivery into consideration that falls below the 2 month. system doesn’t take those document that fells ofter 2 months.DOCUMENT VALUE:-In case credit check should be carried out based on the max.document value. It is relevant for new customer to when credit limit has not been defined.CRITICAL FIELDS:-Payment terms ,fixed value date, additional value dates are considered as a critical fields. If the data has been changes in those fields system has to carry out credit check. NEXT REVIEW DATA:-System automatically carry out credit check based on the next review date.OPEN ITEMS:-System carries out credit check, based on the open items. system takes the maximum percentage of over due items in open items and number of days when the open items are over due.OLDEST OPEN ITEM:-It indicates to carry our credit check based on the age of the oldest open item.HIGHEST DUNNING LEVEL:-System carryout credit check based on the higher dunning level.USER1,USER2,USER3:-These check can be used for customer specific credit check by using user exist save it.●Go to VOV8, & make sure that credit limited check should be ‘D’ automatic.●Go to VAO! & raise the sales order. check the dynamic credit check static & save the document.●System block the sales document for delivery then release it by using transaction codes VKM5..

User Exits

1.1. Introduction2. How to find user exits3. Using Project management of SAP Enhancements
1. IntroductionUser exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a functionmodule. The code for the function module is writeen by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.
The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is: EXIT_<3>The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as: CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION <3>Example:The program for transaction VA01 Create salesorder is SAPMV45AIf you search for CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION i program SAPMV45A you will find ( Among other user exits):CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '003'exportingxvbak = vbakxvbuk = vbukxkomk = tkomkimportinglvf_subrc = lvf_subrctablesxvbfa = xvbfaxvbap = xvbapxvbup = xvbup.The exit calls function module EXIT_SAPMV45A_003
2. How to find user exitsDisplay the program where you are searching for and exit and search for CALL CUSTOMER-EXITIf you know the Exit name, go to transaction CMOD. Choose menu Utillities->SAP Enhancements. Enter the exit name and press enter.You will now come to a screen that shows the function module exits for the exit.3. Using Project management of SAP EnhancementsWe want to create a project to enahance trasnaction VA01Go to transaction CMODCreate a project called ZVA01Choose the Enhancement assign radio button and press the Change buttonIn the first column enter V45A0002 Predefine sold-to party in sales document . Note that an enhancement can only be used i 1 project. If the enhancement is allready in use, and error message will be displayedPress SavePress Components. You can now see that enhancement uses user exit EXIT_SAPMV45A_002. Double click on the exit.Now the function module is displayed. Double click on include ZXVVAU04 in the function moduleInsert the following code into the include: E_KUNNR = '2155'.Activate the include program. Go back to CMOD and activate the project. Goto transaction VA01 and craete a salesorder. Note that Sold-to-party now automatically is "2155"
2.Finding the user-exits of a SAP transaction codereport zuserexit no standard page heading.tables : tstc, tadir, modsapt, modact, trdir, tfdir, enlfdir.tables : : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header : field1(30).data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode single * from tstc where tcode eq p_tcode.if sy-subrc eq single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'and object = 'PROG'and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.if sy-subrc ne single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.if trdir-subc eq 'F'.select single * from tfdir where pname = single * from enlfdir where funcname single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'and object = 'FUGR'and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.move : tadir-devclass to * from tadir into table jtabwhere pgmid = 'R3TR'and object = 'SMOD'and devclass = single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu andtcode eq p_tcode.format color col_positive intensified off.write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',20(20) p_tcode,45(50) tstct-ttext.skip.if not jtab[] is initial.write:/(95) sy-uline.format color col_heading intensified on.write:/1 sy-vline,2 'Exit Name',21 sy-vline ,22 'Description',95 sy-vline.write:/(95) sy-uline.loop at single * from modsaptwhere sprsl = sy-langu andname = jtab-obj_name.format color col_normal intensified off.write:/1 sy-vline,2 jtab-obj_name hotspot on,21 sy-vline ,22 modsapt-modtext,95 sy-vline.endloop.write:/(95) sy-uline.describe table jtab.skip.format color col_total intensified on.write:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill.else.format color col_negative intensified on.write:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'.endif.else.format color col_negative intensified on.write:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist' line-selection.get cursor field field1.check field1(4) eq 'JTAB'.set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen.*---End of Program

Blk billing untill PGI

If you want the system to check the PGI status ,then please use thefollowing coding in your own copying requirement(field ->V_TVCPFLK-GRBED) in the copy control(Tx VTFL -> for the delivery typeand billing type)***********************************************************************


Sales summary - VC/2Display Customer Hierarchy - VDH2Display Condition record report - V/I6Pricing Report - V/LDCreate Net Price List - V_NLList customer material info - VD59List of sales order - VA05List of Billing documents - VF05Inquiries list - VA15Quotation List - VA25Incomplete Sales orders - V.02Backorders - V.15Outbound Delivery Monitor - VL06oIncomplete delivery - V_UCCustomer Returns-Analysis - MC+ACustomer Analysis- Sales - MC+ECustomer Analysis- Cr. Memo - MC+IDeliveries-Due list - VL04Billing due list - VF04Incomplete Billing documents - MCV9Customer Analysis-Basic List - MCTAMaterial Analysis(SIS) - MCTCSales org analysis - MCTESales org analysis-Invoiced sales - MC+2Material Analysis-Incoming orders - MC(EGeneral- List of Outbound deliveries - VL06fMaterial Returns-Analysis - MC+MMaterial Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC+QVariant configuration Analysis - MC(BSales org analysis-Incoming orders - MC(ISales org analysis-Returns - MC+YSales office Analysis- Invoiced Sales - MC-ESales office Analysis- Returns - MC-AShipping point Analysis - MC(UShipping point Analysis-Returns - MC-OBlocked orders - V.14Order Within time period - SD01Duplicate Sales orders in period - SDD1Display Delivery Changes - VL22

Customer Customer Master Data Sheet / Sales Summary VC/2Display Customer Hierarchy (SD) VDH2Conditions & Pricing Execute pricing report V/LDSales Agreements List of Sales Deals VB25Sales orders Display Incomplete Sales Orders V.02List of Sales Orders VA05Contracts Display Incomplete Contracts V.06List of Contracts VA45Worklists Release Orders for Billing V.23Shared Display Incomplete Documents V.00
Billing Billing documents Display Collective Billing V.21List billing documents VF05Output from Billing Documents VF31Invoice lists List of Invoice Lists VF25Worklists Process Billing Due List VF04Edit Work List for Invoice Lists VF24List Blocked Billing Documents VFX3
Foreign trade European Union INTRASTAT Intrastat Selection: Arrivals MEISSelect Export Billing Documents VE01EXTRASTAT Selection EXTRASTAT Initial Screen VE96Billing Doc.Selection Extrastat Export control Selection of Billing Docs for KOBRA VE13NAFTA AERP Selection BillDocs. -USA- Exporters VE18Selection BillDocs -USA- Carriers VE25HMF Harbour Maintenance Fee - USA - VE27Asia Japan Foreign Trade: MITI Declarations VXJ1Customs Declaration - Import Inv. JP VXJ2EFTA Switzerland Selection BillDocs -Switz.- DeclAuth VE21Sales Information Systems Customer SIS: Customer,Inc.Orders - Selection MC(ASIS: Customer, Inv.Sales - Selection MC+ESIS: Customer Credit Memos - Selec. MC+ISIS: Customer Analysis - Selection MCTAMaterial SIS: Variant Configuration MC(BSIS: Material Invoiced Sales, Selec. MC+QSIS: Material Credit Memos, Selec. MC+USIS: Material Analysis - Selection MCTCSales organization SIS: SalesOrg. Inc.Orders Selection MC(ISIS: SalesOrg.Invoiced Sales, Selec. MC+2SIS: SalesOrg.Credit Memos Selection MC+6SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection MCTESales employee SIS: Employee, Inc.Orders Selection MC(QSIS: Employee - Inv.Sales, Selection MC-QSIS: Employee - Credit Memos, Selec. MC-USIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection MCTISales office SIS: Sales Office, Inc.Orders Selec. MC(MSIS: Sales Office Returns, Selection MC-ASIS: Sales Office Inv.Sales - Selec. MC-ESIS: Sales Office Credit Memos Selec MC-ISIS: Sales Office Analysis Selection MCTGSales Support (CAS) SIS: Address List - Selection MCTV03

How To Archive

Archiving (transaction SARA) Data archiving removes bulk data which is no longer required in the System, but which must be retained accessibly, from the database. Data in the R/3 database can only be archived via archiving objects, which describe the data structure. Financial accounting documents, for example are archived via the archiving object FI_DOCUMNT, which comprises the document header, company-code-dependent postings, change documents, SAPscript texts and other elements. The application archiving objects are pre-defined in the system. The archiving programs are scheduled as background jobs, but can run during on-line processing. The system need not be shutdown. The archiving procedure comprises two main steps: Create archive files: the data to be archived are first written sequentially into a newly created file. The data then exist twice in the database. These archive files can, e.g. be passed to an archive system, via ArchiveLink. Execute delete program: the data in the archive files are removed from the database by the delete program. You can check how the archive filenames and archive destination are setup in transaction FILE Always remembers to check the setting before any archiving. The settings will determine things like whether the delete programs will start automatically. (it is not advisable to start your delete programs automatically). You can configure all the customizing settings with transaction AOBJ - Archive Objects. MM_MATBEL - Archive material document OMB9 - Archiving - Material document retention period. The default documents life is 200 days. You need to maintain the documents life for each Plant in your company before you can start archiving. If you did not maintain, you will get a list with 'Valid.period not maintained for tr./ev. type of doc.'. MM_ACCTIT - Archive accounting interface tables The documents store in the table are for applications which are to be supplied with the posting data at a later date of MM Inventory Management and MM Invoice Verification. If you are using 3.x, this archiving object might not be found. You need to import it from sapservX. Read note 89324, 99388, 83076. Take a look at OSS note 48009 for the detail explanation of which data is updated in the ACCT* tables. PP_ORDER - Archive production order OPJH - Production Order retention period. Maintain Retention 1 and 2. If your set your retention 1 and 2 as 10, that means that after 10 days of setting the delete flag then you can set the deletion indicator. After 10 days of setting the deletion indicator then you can start archiving. Therefore, to archive immediately, you can leave retention 1 and 2 as space. Please take note that retention 1 and 2 act as a safety net if you happened to archive the wrong record. You will have to decide whether to have the retention time gap or not. FI_DOCUMNT - Archive Financial Accounting Documents Maintain the account life - transaction OBR7 Maintain the documents life - transaction OBR8 SD_VBRK - Archive Billing Documents There are no posting date or fiscal year/period selection. You can only specify the billing documents date. In order that you do not archive the wrong record, you have to write a ABAP query or report to print out the various billing documents number ranges you want to archive. You can extract the data from table VBRK - Billing: Header Data. VN01 - Check all the number ranges for Billing Documents. Click Overview buttom or Hold the Shift key and press F7. RV_LIKP - Archiving Deliveries VORL - Maintain the retention period. Number of days which must have elapsed since the delivery was created, before the delivery can be archived. VLAL - Archive deliveries

Tickets(Interview Questions)

1. What is an EDI invoice, how it reflects in SAP R3 system?Quite generally, you create an invoice by a normal way, but after this yougenerate an output (print document) in the form of an IDOC. This IDOC canbe sent to the customer. The process is similar to the standard printoutput of the invoice. The IDOC should be of a message type INVOIC. Thefunction module is IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC.There is also a self-billing process with the invoice creation. In thiscase the customer sends the IDOC for himself. This IDOC must be processedvia EDI on SD side, and then the SD invoice will be created. To learn thisprocess, please call the function module IDOC_INPUT_SBINV in thetransaction SE37 and the press the button "Function Module Documentation".The SBINV process can be realized via EDI only.2. What is meant by Explosion in SD?It is related to Bill of Material where one parent item is linked withseveral child items. For creation/edit/display, T-Code is CS01/02/033. What is the usage of configuration profile in variant configuration?You maintain the configuration parameters for a configurable generalmaintenance task list in the configuration profile.The settings that you make here also concern the BOM explosion for thepiece of material. In addition, at least one class, whose class type allowsvariant configuration, must be assigned to each configuration profile. Theclass contains the characteristics that the system proposes forcharacteristic evaluation when you create a maintenance or service order.4. What do you mean by tickets? Could you please give me some examples oftickets?Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or theemployees in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occurduring the implementation or after the implementation of the project.There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support anda person who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in thelimited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so yourresponsibility is to finish it before that deadline.End user is not able to1. Create Sales order for a customer from a new plant, since shipping pointdetermination is not happened. (Without shipping point the document becomesINCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY,BILLING).He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below1.Low 2. Medium 3. High.Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem andidentify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant.You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the changeand Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user willtest the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it.Finally u requests a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION.Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed.What I have given is a small ex. You would get some real issues withseverity HIGH in your day-day support1. KOFO error?2. Defecit in sales order stock?3. PGI is not possible?4. Shipping conformation is not possible.5. Picking or packing PGI is not possible.5. What is the difference between sales process and business process?BUSINESS PROCESS: Sequentially and logically related series of processesand functions for an internal or external target group to deliver a definedgood or service. The R/3 Reference Model provides sample business processesin scenarios as EPCs.6. What is the difference between transit time and transportation time?Transit time: is the time taken by the material to reach customers place.Transportation time: is the time taken to schedule the materials byshipping company.7. What is the difference between free goods and bonus buy?Free goods are either inclusive or exclusive if a customer orders for 10products he will get 1 free for that no price is charged this is exclusivescenarioIf a customer orders 10 products he will get 9+1 for 1 product he will notcharged this inclusive scenarioFor bonus buy if a customer orders regularly 10 products in one occasion ifhe orders 1000 products he will be given less price than the price he willget for 10 products this bonus buy scenarioOrFree goods are considered to be merchandise, moveable belongings orpersonal property. Free goods are those which economists are not interestedin because in free goods doe not offer the opportunity for creating a costfor usage. The best example of free goods is air because there is noscarcity of air. Economists are interested only in goods, which can bemanipulated to create cost for usage. Free goods are plentiful; you have asmuch as you want without a chance for future cost to society.A bonus buy refers to any product manufactured or otherwise made availablefor purchase at a lower cost for a certain period of time. A bonus buy canrelate to food, cars, stocks, bonds, insurance, bank loans or almost anyproduct you can think of.Examples of Bonus buys are: buy one and get one free, 20% original price,and 15% Reduced Mortgage today.8. What is the difference between static and dynamic in credit management?SIMPLE CREDIT CHECK: Tr.Code - FD32It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items.Doc.Value: Sales Order has been saved but not deliveredOpen Item: Sales Order has been saved, Delivered, Billed & Transferred toFI, but not received the payment from the customer.Eg: Customer Credit Limit is Rs.1, 00,000/-Suppose Doc.Value + Open Item Value is Rs.1, 10,000/-Here credit limit exceeds then system reacts.Options: A) Warning MessageB) Error Message (Sales Order won't be saved)C) Error Message with Delivery BlockAUTOMATIC CREDIT CHECK: Give extra credit facilities to the particularcustomer.STATIC CREDIT LIMIT DETERMINATION: Checking Group + Risk Category + CreditControl Area.A) Credit Checking Groups: Types of Checking Groups.01) Sales02) Deliveries03) Goods IssueAt all the above 3 levels orders can be blocked.B) Risk Category: Based on the risk Categories Company will decide how muchcredit has to give to the customer.HIGH RISK (0001) : LOW CREDITLOW RISK (0002) : MORE CREDITMEDIUM RISK(0003) : Average CreditStatic Credit Check it checks all these doc value & check with the creditlimit1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delivered2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI4) Open Item : Which is transferred to FI but not received from thecustomer.DYNAMIC CREDIT CHECK : 1) Open Doc2) Open Delivery3) Open Billing4) Open Items5) Horizon Period = Eg.3MonthsHere the System will not consider the above 1,2,3& 4 values for the lost 3monthsThen assign the Sales Doc & Del Documents.Sales Doc.Type (OR) + credit Check (0) + Credit Group (01)Credit Limit Check for Delivery Type: Del.Type (LF) + Del CreditGroup (02) + Goods Issue Credit Group (03)9. Difference between 4.6 version and 4.6c, 4.7eeThere are so many differences between the versions in different objects1. In the customer master in 4.6 version there is no partner function tabin the customer in xd01 t-code and also there is no CIN tab in that versionbut it is there in the 4.7 EE versionThis is the major change from the 4.6cc to 4.7EE2. in 4.7EE there is some settings that are related for CIN which cannot bedone in 4.7EE that means they need some patches for doing the configurationsetting for the CINBut we can do the same in the 6.0 versionsThese are the some of the settings that are differed in the two versionsand in that two objects Where is rebate define for quantity REBATERebate:Following explains how to create a rebate agreement, test it using a salesorder and billing it. Then settling it partially or fully using a rebatecredit memo. Please use the basic procedure and tweak your IMG settingsaccording to your unique requirements.Rebate processing:1. First requirement is that the rebate processing must be active fora. the customer ( check in customer master) ,b. for the billing type ( check in IMG > Billing > rebate processing >active rebate processing > select billing documents for rebate processing.)c. For the sales organization:( check in IMG > Billing> rebate processing > active rebate processing >Active rebate processing for sales org. )2. Next create a rebate agreement for this use T-code VB01. For the rebateagreement type you can choose either 0001( group rebate ) or 0002 material rebate or 0003 ( customer rebate ) etcb. Enter your rebate conditions. Don’t forget to enter the accrual ratehere.3. Now test your rebate functionality: create a sales order for theparticular customer, sales org (ensure that the billing type used in yoursales order is relevant for rebate). Create outbound delivery, transferorder to do picking and post goods issue.4. Now go to Tcode VB03 and check your rebate by choosing conditions,selecting the condition line and choosing payment data. You will see thatthe accruals and business volume are updated when accounting doc is createdfor billing.5. Settling your rebates:Once your rebates have been accrued you need to settle the rebate.For this first release the rebate for settlement by using Tcode VB02. As atrial basis choose B (you can choose other settings based on yourrequirement) and choose Create manual accrual. Now enter the amount to bepaid and save the rebate agreement.6. Next display your rebate agreement using Tcode VB03.Enter your rebate agreement number. Next choose rebate payments > Rebatedocuments and select partial settlement. Click on the choose button to notedown your credit request number.7. Use Tcode VA02 and release the billing block for your credit request.(Use item overview tab)8. Now use VF01 to create a rebate credit memo by entering the credit memorequest number and save it9. Now release the credit memo to accounting using vf02.Quantity Rebate:In rebate agreement details we will define the rebate basis whether it isthe quantity rebate or volume based rebate.11. What is solution manager? What is purpose of it? In support what typeof tool we can use? What is change?SAP Solution Manager is a centralized, robust solution management toolsetthat facilitates technical support for distributed systems – withfunctionality that covers all key aspects of solution deployment,operation, and continuous improvement. It combines tools, content, anddirect access to SAP to increase the reliability of solutions and lowertotal cost of ownership.With SAP Solution Manager, you can be sure your entire SAP solutionenvironment is performing at its maximum potential. The toolset addressesyour entire IT environment, supporting SAP and non-SAP software andcovering current and forthcoming SAP solutions. As part of SAP Net Weaver,SAP Solution Manager is included in the annual maintenance fee for SAPsolutions.SAP Solution Manager targets both technical and business aspects of yoursolutions, focusing strongly on core business processes. It supports theconnection between business processes and the underlying IT infrastructure.As a result, it eases communication between your IT department and yourlines of business. And it ensures that you derive the maximum benefits fromyour IT investments.SAP Solution Manager features and functions include:• SAP Business Suite implementation – SAP Solution Manager provides contentthat accelerates implementation. Configuration information and aprocess-driven approach to implementation speed the blueprint,configuration, and final preparation phases. SAP Solution Manager enablesefficient project administration and centralized control of cross-componentimplementations.• Global rollout – The toolset eases process standardization andharmonization across organizations and locations by providing provenmethodologies and all necessary functionality. You can more easilyimplement standardized settings at local sites, because configurationsettings needn't be re-entered into local components.• Synchronization of custom settings – With SAP Solution Manager, you canmaintain consistency as you customize your heterogeneous IT environment. Itenables safer administration of customization, less error-prone replicationof custom settings, and simpler consistency checks. SAP Solution Managerreduces manual synchronization efforts by automatically distributing customsettings to various systems simultaneously, and by centrally managing allrequests to synchronize settings.• Testing – SAP Solution Manager speeds test preparation and execution. Itprovides a single point of access to the complete system landscape andenables centralized storage of testing material and test results to supportcross-component tests.• IT and application support – The support desk included in SAP SolutionManager helps you manage incidents more efficiently and eases thesettlement of support costs. Centralized handling of support messages makesthe support organization more efficient.• Solution monitoring – SAP Solution Manager performs centralized,real-time monitoring of systems, business processes, and interfaces, whichreduces administration effort. It can even monitor intersystemdependencies. Proactive monitoring helps you avoid critical situations,while automatic notifications enable fast response to issues.• Service-level management and reporting – SAP Solution Manager allows easydefinition of service levels and provides automated reporting. Servicereporting covers all systems in the solution landscape and provides aconsolidated report containing the information you need to make strategicIT decisions.• Service processing – SAP Solution Manager makes appropriate servicerecommendations and delivers SAP support services. These include SAPSafeguarding, which helps you manage technical risk; SAP SolutionManagement Optimization, which helps you get the most from your SAPsolutions; and SAP Empowering, which helps you manage your solutions.• How can we define sales order typeIn VOV8 either u can copy rename or create13. What is gap analysis and when it will be use in the time of project?Business blue print stage is called as is process. Fit gap means, beforeimplementing the SAP all the business data is in the form of documents, wecannot keep this data as is in the SAP. There should be a gap. So byfilling this gap, we make configuration with the help of these documents.This is called as fit gap analysis. In this stage, we should analysis thegap between as is and is as processCut Over Plans:Detailed plans need to be developed for cutting over from the old system(s)to the new. Parallel runs of what will happen over the conversion periodusing test data, convert and watch for a period after wards to ensurenothing unexpected happens.Train Users:Well trained users will support and defend the system on site. Unsupportiveusers will continually undermine the system and eventually it will bereplaced. Therefore the more effort you put into helping the users masterthe system early the better. Fit gap means, before implementing the SAP allthe business data is in the form of documents, we cannot keep this data asis in the SAP. There should be a gap. So by filling this gap, we makeconfiguration with the help of these documents. This is called as fit gapanalysis.GAP AnalysisA through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the businessoperates ad its needs against what the package can can't do. For each gapthere will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and actioned,GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed close the gap,GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround isrequired, GAP does not need to be closed.In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In informationtechnology, gap analysis is the study of the differences between twodifferent information systems or applications (ex; existing system orlegacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose ofdetermining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimesspoken of as "the space between where we are and where we want to be." Gapanalysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space.Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue printstageThe Gaps can differ from company to company. Most commonly, however,missing functionality is industry-specific.Examples:1. MGM Studios and Lycos sometime back worked with SAP to develop its newintellectual property management and media advertising managementfunctionality, respectively.2. A leading Oral care product company wanted the promotion of free-goodswhere they wanted 'Buy one get 2 different products free'.2 gaps are, In customer master data the client requirement needs legacycustomer number which can be solved with User exit.,In sales order we need customer Phone number, We can use user exitThese 2 are gaps, which we cant, find in Standard SAP1. if client want new field in customer master like nearest fire station ..2. order will be uploaded directly with out va01. Through BDC... bcoz lotof orders if they get daily, they can opt these...Movement type 1 uses when a material have two movement types.. like example101 and 261.. one is incoming raw material and going for production...14. What is the difference between rebate and discount?Rebate is a partial repayment, whereas a refund is a repayment of the totalpurchase price and Discount is reduction in PriceOrRebate: an incentive to be given to a customer. Clubbed with qty purchasedby a customer within the period specified (say one month)-conditional.Discount: unconditional, to be given to a customer on account of heavypurchase by one single billing. From the price List (Base price).15. What is the Purpose of a Sales Organization in SAP?Sales org. represents the highest elements in SD. Sales org. is responsibleforSales, services, negotiation or Revenue generation and physicaldistribution of products.16. What is the purpose of Distribution Channel?The Mechanism or route through which the products are placed in the market.17: What is the purpose of Division?Division is the one which sells identical or similar products.18. A Sales organization can be assigned to more than one Company code.State true or false?False. Sales org. cannot be assigned to more than one company code.19. Can you create a Sales Order without having a Sales Group defined inthe Org Structure?NO. We cannot create a sales order without having sales group.20. What is sales areaSales area is the combination ofSales org. + Distribution channel + Division.21. Can you assign one plant to more than one Sales Organization?Yes, we can assign plant to more than one sales org.22. Explain process of stock transport orders in SAP?Stock transport is the process of transporting stock within the plantfrom one storage location to another. Stock transport is a replenishmentDelivery.23. What is a Scheduling Agreement? Give a business case where it is used?It is the agreement between customer and company. It contains deliverySchedule.24. Can you check availability during Standard SAP Quotation Process?Yes, we can check for availability during std. quotation process.25. What are the different movement types, and where will you assign themovement type631, 632, 633, 634, 601, 602, 651, 561Movement types will be assigned to schedule lines26. How billing date determined in the billing document?Once the PGI is done, goods will move to the customer on theSpecific delivery date, from this the billing date is determined.27. How the account posting will done by the system, explain what iscredited and what is debited when customer billing passed to accounts?Through revenue account determination.28. What are the different billing types available in standard system?A) Periodic billingB) Milestone billing29. What are the columns in a pricing procedure?The following fields determine the pricing procedure. And the columns areas follows. There are total 16 fields which determine the pricingprocedure.1) Step2) Counter type3) Condition type4) Description5) From6) To7) Manual8) Mandatory9) Statistical10) Print out11) Sub to12) Requirement13) Alternation calculation type14) Alternation condition based value15) Account keys16) Accurals.30: how system will Determine Shipping Point?Delivery plant + shipping condition from CMR - SH + Loading group fromMaterial Master.31. If Same Purchase Order no is used in multiple Sales Orders, Is itpossible to warn the User? If yes How?The same purchase order no. is entered system throw a warning message.32: Which Item Category in Standard SAP is used for Free of Charge items &Text Items?TANN. TXT.33. Is it Possible to copy Sales Order to a Production Order? If yesexplain in which situation you can do that?In Make to order scenario it is possible35. How do you release a Sales Order blocked for Credit Hold. ?Go to T-code VKM1 and give the sales document no. to release the salesorderfrom credit hold.36. How do you create Sales BOM, What is the purpose of Sales BOM?Go to cs01 to create sales BOM. Sales BOM is to explode the sub items intheSales order along with the main item37 When does the invoice status will change?When invoice is released for posting to account, then status of invoicechanges.38. What is the structure of a customer master record?General dataCompany code dataSales area data39. Account group controlsa) Fields selectionb) Partner functionsc) screen sequenced) Number range assignment40. Name any 4 Material types in SAP R3?a) hawa-trading goodsb) fert- finished goodsc) roh-raw materiald) halb- semi finished goods41. How system will determine the delivery plant in sales organization?a) Customer material Information recordb) Customer masterc) Material mater42. Which other areas in SAP SD are condition technique used?a) Output determinationb) material determinationc) Revenue account determinationd) text determinationHandling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugsforwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under threeseverity High, Medium and Low. Each and every severity as got its timelimits before that we have to fix the error.The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on lineto the customer or the organization where SAP is already implemented forwhich the person should be very strong in the subject and the process whichare implemented in SAP at the client side to understand, to analyze, toactuate and to give the right solution in right time. This is the job ofthe support consultant.The issues or the tickets (problems) which are raised is taken care of onpriority basis by the support team consultants.The work process in support projects are given below for your reference.1. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail(RADIX).2. Each one of the support team is a part of support group.3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she has to mention to which workgroup (by name).4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the teamneed to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon thepriority of the calls. (Top, High, Med, Low, None)5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team.Then after testing properly by generating TR (Transport Request through thebasis admin)6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/super user about thechanges which have moved to the production server by CTS process.These are the process. In summary, what I understand is that if anyconfiguration or customization is required to solve the issue, then theconsultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it inthe QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport itto the PRODUCTION client.An example:Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or theemployees in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occurduring the implementation or after the implementation of the project. Therecan be numerous problems which can occur in the production support and aperson who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in thelimited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so yourresponsibility is to finish it before that deadline.To begin with, we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it.Here is an eg of a ticket raise:End user is not able to1. Create Sales order for a customer from a new plant, since shipping pointdetermination is not happened. (Without shipping point the document becomesINCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY,BILLING).He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below:1. Low 2. Medium 3. High.Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem andidentify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant.You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the changeand Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user willtest the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it.Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Oncethe change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed. What I havegiven is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGHin your day-day support.Examples like shipping point determination is not determined...possiblereasons could be shipping point not assigned in org structure, shippingpoint determination not maintained (shipping cond + loading group + plant)etc..1. Someone coming back to us that they cannot create a delivery note forxyz company or cannot use VA01 transaction.SOL : Basically authorization issues...usually we analyse what rights hewould require and pass on the same to basis team to give the adequateauthorization.2. Sometimes endusers are not completely aware of the business processleading to not performing a step which is required in the flow ofmaterial/documents and surely leading errors in subsequent steps.We need to figure out the same and take necessary action to fix the flow insome cases and surely get the user gear up to the correct process.3. In many cases we have to analyse why a particular document was notcreated either manually or through automated process. Example be like whythe delivery document creation failed ?4. Cases are also raised related to customized development where it doesnot perform as required like a particular should have been in the reportbut is not there..or any sort of bugs etc.It requires to analyse the development and find the casue of the issue.5. Enhancements..they usually contribute the most in support projects. Ifeel in software industry we cannot have a completespecification..something is surely misinterpreted or missed out, which isusually realised after few months of go live. They are usually classifiedas enhancements ..leading to small modifications or developments.Case 1 :Material: XPlant : YStock in Storage Location - A : 1 UnitStock in Storage Location - B : 1 UnitSales Order N0 1111111111 is created against storage location A &Sales Order N0 2222222222 is created against storage location B &In Case 1I am able to do availbility check for Both the sales order as stocks areavailable in both the storage locationIn Case 2Carried out availability check for sales order 1111111111 - Shedule lineswere generated against stocks in Storage Location A.Now I transfer the stock from Storage - A through 309 movement to someother material no - ZProblem / Issue.Since no stock is availble in Storage - A , Sales Order which was createdfor Storage A pulls the stock from storage B for availablity to promise.Now In this case I am not able to carry out availabilty check for SalesOrder 2222222222 inspite having stocks in storage - B as it has beenconfirmed/pulled by sales order 1111111111.Looking for following solution.[1] I dont want Availability check at Plant level - I need at StorageSection Level.[2] As soon as 309 movement is carried out or stock is moved out to anyother storage or Plant then - Shedule lines for Sales Order 1111111111should get deleted automatically as the material in storage location is nomore available.Solution:ATP at SL level, you need to insert the SL at item level of the salesorder. This will restrict the search.2. For automatic recheck of ATP, I can suggest a batch job of V_V2transaction .Case 2: Back Order1. When a sales order is created by end user there is no materialavailable.I checked this by checking schedule line the confirmed quantity shows 0 qtyat schedule line.Soln: Backorder processingLogistics-SD-sales-Environment-backorders-backorder processing-enter salesorder number2.END USER GOT A PROBLEM WHEN CREATING A SALES ORDER FOR MAKE TO ORDERQUANTITY ENTERED IN SALES ORDER IS NOT PICKED AUTOMATICALLY AND IS ALSO NOTPICKED WHEN ENTERED MANUALLYSOLN:- SOLVED BY GOING TO MM02 SALES/GENERAL PLANT VIEWCHANGE AVAILABILITY CHECK TO INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENT (02) FROM DAILYREQUIREMENT (01) IN MATERIAL MASTER3.In the client site complete SAP system got struck by giving error: shortdumpWhen creating a sales order it didn’t allow me to save any orderSoln:I solved it first by going to lt22 and came to know its due to shortdumpCaused by S687 InfostructureGoto img->logistics general->logistics data warehouse->updating->updatingcontrol->Activate update chhose sales and distibutiondouble click on u r infostructure radio button and select asynchronous onlysynchronous is not recommended.Here s687 is selected synchronous which gave the error.4. When customer returned goods.client want to make a gate pass by which ucan track the material returned or receivedSoln: Go to Tcode LECI and enter the details about the truck liketime,licence plate,driver and save & print it.There could be many such cases.Handling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugsforwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under threeseverity High, Medium and Low. Each and every severity as got its timelimits before that we have to fix the error.The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on lineto the customer or the organization where SAP is already implemented forwhich the person should be very strong in the subject and the process whichare implemented in SAP at the client side to understand, to analyze, toactuate and to give the right solution in right time. This is the job ofthe support consultant.The issues or the tickets (problems) which are raised is taken care of onpriority basis by the support team consultants.The work process in support projects are given below for your reference.1. The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail(RADIX).2. Each one of the support team is a part of support group.3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she has to mention to which workgroup (by name).4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the teamneed to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon thepriority of the calls. (Top, High, Med, Low, None)5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team.Then after testing properly by generating TR (Transport Request through thebasis admin)6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/super user about thechanges which have moved to the production server by CTS process.These are the process. In summary, what I understand is that if anyconfiguration or customization is required to solve the issue, then theconsultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it inthe QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport itto the PRODUCTION client.An example:Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or theemployees in the company face while working on R/3. Tickets usually occurduring the implementation or after the implementation of the project. Therecan be numerous problems which can occur in the production support and aperson who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in thelimited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so yourresponsibility is to finish it before that deadline.To begin with, we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it.Here is an eg of a ticket raise:End user is not able to1. Create Sales order for a customer from a new plant, since shipping pointdetermination is not happened. (Without shipping point the document becomesINCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY,BILLING).He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below:1. Low 2. Medium 3. High.Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem andidentify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant.You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the changeand Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user willtest the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it.Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Oncethe change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed. What I havegiven is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGHin your day-day support.1. What is the main difference of revenue key for e.g.:- ERL and accrualkey e.g.:- ERUA. ERL – Sales Revenues and ERU - Accrual.2. How many number of user exits are there in credit managementA. Check in IMG---SD--SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS---USER EXITS---USER EXITS FORCREDIT CHECK & RISK MANAGEMENT3. What makes delivery create if the cash sales order type is order relatedbilling?A. IN VOV8 IN SHIIPING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AS "X"4. How does the billing knows how many items in the total quantity havebeen delivered by the third partyA1. In the item category billing relevance 'f'A2. I think it’s through MIRO transaction where we will be entering theinvoice sent by the vendor (CHECK)5. What are the fields that can be changed before saving a billingdocument?A. We can change the 1) billing date 2) pricing 3) account determination ofbilling before an accounting document is created6. If we change pricing in billing, will it automatically copy in the salesorder and other documents if no how we do it?A. IF WE MAINTAIN COPY CONTROL SETTINGS FROM BILLING TO SALES DOCUMENT F2TO OR (CHECK)7. What exactly makes automatic purchase requisition to be created? ianswer schedule line category and automatic purchase order tick, but hedenied the answer kindly explain?A1. in the schedule line category we have to put the order type NB,5,1A2. In schedule line category in the field order type as "NB" item categoryas third party and acct assignment. Category as "third party".